Mitra Lal Tharu Kumal Gobardiha 3, Khaira, Dang

(Part 4/4) “After 20 years, I have come home to stay. I do not regret my decision of leaving home 20 years ago as it has taught me important lessons in life. Through my struggles in the factories I have understood pain and hardships. They are close friends now and they do not scare me. Those years of hardships also provided me a family and my children who are at the centre of my life. I am back to doing the ancetral work my forefathers did. I know I despised it when I was young and had dreams but now I am and I have settled. I find peace in the spinning of the wheel and the texture of the clay in my hand. The heat of the kiln is dearer to me than the heat of the factories. This clay, this earth feeds me now like it had kept my ancestors alive. I have come back home, to stay. 

Stories of Nepal x ICCO Cooperation South Asia x European Union in Nepal

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