“When I was 13, I ran away from home with friends to see the city. Little did I know the city would make me run all my life. I worked in mills, in tea shops and hotels washing dishes, hoping everyday that my life would be better and something will eventually work out. But the struggles never ended. I obeyed my landlord and kept my head low, hoping that someday someone will see my obedience and honesty which would then change my life. The run never ended. Recently, I came to an understanding that this running is for life. Today, I have a small teashop and I run from morning to night for it to work. Making sweets and snacks for the guests, to please them always keeping a smile on my face while hiding the exhaustion inside. I have three daughters and a wife and I am still running to make them happy, just hoping that I will not have to run away from the country to earn money to support my family.” (Keshav Gautam, Panauti 7, Kavre)

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