(1/2) “Sit besides me with a strong heart, I will tell you my story. I was given away to an older man when I was little. My parents had died and no one was there to question my uncles’ decision. I know that my name is Saraswati but I am not sure of my age, no one told me. It was a hard life. I came to my husband house when I did not understand the meaning of marriage or a husband. I was too little. I had not had my monthly periods yet. As I stayed in the new house, I did not know anyone and I did not know the places around. I was afraid. I had no courage. What would I know? After the first year of my marriage, my mother-in-law would force me into my husbands room, night after night. And I would sit in the corner and cry. Never did my husband ask me why I was crying. Eventually the tear dried up. When I did not conceive, I was taken to the shaman. Before they could think that I was infertile, after 5 years of my marriage, I was pregnant and my daughter was born. No one took care of me. There was not even one spoon of ghee that was spared for me to eat. But I was happy my daughter was born. She was the light in my dark world.” (Saraswati Madikarmi, Panauti 7, Kavre)

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